Невозможно использовать jstring в качестве аргумента внутри собственного кода

Мне нужно использовать const char * внутри моего собственного кода, поэтому я взял аргумент со стороны Java как jstring и используйте следующие утверждения

JNIEXPORT int JNICALL JNIFUNCTION_DEMO(AddMarkerAndModel(JNIEnv* env, jobject object, jstring modelfileString , jstring marker_config_string)) {

int free_marker_space_index=-1;

for (int i = 0; i < NUM_MODELS; i++) {
if (models[i].not_null==false) {
free_marker_space_index = i;
//means no space for marker left
return free_marker_space_index;
const char *marker_config = env->GetStringUTFChars( marker_config_string, NULL);
LOGE("[KARTIK]marker_config is : %s",marker_config);

models[free_marker_space_index].patternID = arwAddMarker(marker_config);arwSetMarkerOptionBool(models[free_marker_space_index].patternID, ARW_MARKER_OPTION_SQUARE_USE_CONT_POSE_ESTIMATION, false);
arwSetMarkerOptionBool(models[free_marker_space_index].patternID, ARW_MARKER_OPTION_FILTERED, true);

const char *modelfile = env->GetStringUTFChars( modelfileString, NULL);
LOGE("[KARTIK]modelFile is : %s",modelfile);
models[free_marker_space_index].obj = glmReadOBJ2(modelfile, 0, 0); // context 0, don't read textures yet.
if (!models[free_marker_space_index].obj) {
LOGE("Error loading model from file '%s'.", modelfile);
//  LOGV("just checking this function..no error..don't worry");
//printf("just checking this function..no error..don't worry");
glmScale(models[free_marker_space_index].obj, 0.035f);
//glmRotate(models[0].obj, 3.14159f / 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glmCreateArrays(models[free_marker_space_index].obj, GLM_SMOOTH | GLM_MATERIAL | GLM_TEXTURE);
models[free_marker_space_index].visible = false;

env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(modelfileString, modelfile);
env->ReleaseStringUTFChars(marker_config_string, marker_config);return free_marker_space_index;

эта функция говорит, что не может прочитать файл mtl, чей код находится в glm.c.. Часть его ниже … посмотрите на функции ReadOBJ и ReadMTL

#include <Eden/glm.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <limits.h>             // USHRT_MAX
#include <Eden/EdenMath.h>      // M_PI, sqrtf(), acosf(), asinf(), fabsf()
#include "glStateCache.h"#ifndef GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP
#  define GL_GENERATE_MIPMAP 0x8191

#define glmDefaultGroupName "default"#define T(x) (model->triangles[(x)])

/* _GLMnode: general purpose node, used by glmVertexNormals() to build a
linked list of triangles containing a particular vertex. */
typedef struct _GLMnode {
GLuint          index;      // Which triangle this node is tracking.
GLuint          indexindex; // Which of the points in this triangle this node is tracking.
GLboolean       averaged;
struct _GLMnode* next;      // The next node in the list, or NULL if this node is the tail.
} GLMnode;

/* _GLMnode: general purpose node, used by glmDrawArrays() to build a
linked list of triangles containing a particular vertex. */
typedef struct _GLMnode2 {
GLushort          index; // Index into list of per-vertex data values. Each 3 defines a triangle.
struct _GLMnode2* next;     // The next node in the list, or NULL if this node is the tail.
} GLMnode2;

#define glmMax(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#define glmMin(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))/* glmFindMaterial: Find a material in the model */
static GLuint glmFindMaterial(GLMmodel* model, char* name)
GLuint i;

/* XXX doing a linear search on a string key'd list is pretty lame,
but it works and is fast enough for now. */
for (i = 0; i < model->nummaterials; i++) {
if (!strcmp(model->materials[i].name, name))
goto found;

/* didn't find the name, so print a warning and return the default
material (0). */
EDEN_LOGe("glmFindMaterial():  can't find material \"%s\".\n", name);
i = 0;

return i;

/* glmDirName: return the directory given a path
* path - filesystem path
* NOTE: the return value should be free'd.
static char*
glmDirName(char* path)
char* dir;
char* s;

dir = strdup(path);

s = strrchr(dir, '/');
if (s)
s[1] = '\0';    // place end of string after last separator
dir[0] = '\0';

return dir;

static GLboolean readTextureAndSendToGL(const int contextIndex, char *texturefilename, TEXTURE_INDEX_t *texturemap_index, char *texturemap_hasAlpha, const GLboolean flipH, const GLboolean flipV)
TEXTURE_INFO_t textureInfo = {      // PRL 2003-08-06: Defaults for texturemaps.
NULL,                           //   pointer to name will go here.
GL_TRUE,                        //   generate mipmaps.
0,                              //   internal format (0 = don't attempt conversion).
GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR,        //   minification mode.
GL_LINEAR,                      //   magnification mode.
GL_REPEAT,                      //   wrap_s.
GL_REPEAT,                      //   wrap_t.
0.5,                            //   priority.
GL_REPLACE,                     //   env_mode.
//{0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0}             //   env_color.
static char initedSurfaces = FALSE;

textureInfo.pathname = texturefilename;
if (!initedSurfaces) {
EdenSurfacesInit(1, 256); // Up to 256 textures, into 1 OpenGL context.
initedSurfaces = TRUE;
if (!EdenSurfacesTextureLoad2(contextIndex, 1, &textureInfo, texturemap_index, texturemap_hasAlpha, flipH, flipV)) {
EDEN_LOGe("EdenSurfacesTextureLoad() couldn't read texture file \"%s\".\n", texturefilename);
return (FALSE);
return (TRUE);

/* glmReadMTL: read a wavefront material library file
* model - properly initialized GLMmodel structure
* name  - name of the material library
* contextIndex - PRL: index to the current OpenGL context (for texturing.) If you have only
*             one OpenGL context (the most common case) set this parameter to 0.
static GLboolean
glmReadMTL(GLMmodel* model, char* name, const int contextIndex, const GLboolean readTexturesNow)
FILE* file;
char* dir;
char* filename;
char    buf[128];
GLuint nummaterials, i;

dir = glmDirName(model->pathname);
filename = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(dir) + strlen(name) + 1));
strcpy(filename, dir);
strcat(filename, name);

file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file) {
EDEN_LOGe("glmReadMTL() failed: can't open material file \"%s\".\n", filename);
return (FALSE);

/* count the number of materials in the file */
nummaterials = 1; // default material 0 is always defined.
while(fscanf(file, "%s", buf) != EOF) {
switch(buf[0]) {
case '#':               /* comment */
/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
case 'n':               /* newmtl */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
//sscanf(buf, "%s %s", buf, buf);
/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);


model->materials = (GLMmaterial*)malloc(sizeof(GLMmaterial) * nummaterials);
model->nummaterials = nummaterials;

/* set the defaults for each material */
for (i = 0; i < nummaterials; i++) {
model->materials[i].name = NULL;
model->materials[i].shininess = 65.0;
model->materials[i].diffuse[0] = 0.8;
model->materials[i].diffuse[1] = 0.8;
model->materials[i].diffuse[2] = 0.8;
model->materials[i].diffuse[3] = 1.0; // Opaque.
model->materials[i].ambient[0] = 0.2;
model->materials[i].ambient[1] = 0.2;
model->materials[i].ambient[2] = 0.2;
model->materials[i].ambient[3] = 1.0;
model->materials[i].specular[0] = 0.0;
model->materials[i].specular[1] = 0.0;
model->materials[i].specular[2] = 0.0;
model->materials[i].specular[3] = 1.0;
model->materials[i].texturemap = NULL;      // PRL 20030806: No texture by default.
model->materials[i].texturemappath = NULL;
model->materials[i].texturemap_index = (TEXTURE_INDEX_t)0;
model->materials[i].texturemap_hasAlpha = 0;
model->materials[i].illum = 2; // Is 2 the default?
model->materials[0].name = strdup("default");

/* now, read in the data */
nummaterials = 0;
while(fscanf(file, "%s", buf) != EOF) {
switch(buf[0]) {
case '#':               /* comment */
/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
case 'n':               /* newmtl */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
sscanf(buf, "%s %s", buf, buf);
model->materials[nummaterials].name = strdup(buf);
case 'N':
switch (buf[1]) {
case 's':
fscanf(file, "%f", &model->materials[nummaterials].shininess);
/* wavefront shininess is from [0, 1000], so scale to [0, 127] for OpenGL */
model->materials[nummaterials].shininess /= 1000.0;
model->materials[nummaterials].shininess *= 128.0;
// Unsupported options:
// Ni = Refraction index. Values range from 1 upwards. A value of 1 will cause no refraction. A higher value implies refraction.
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
case 'K':
switch(buf[1]) {
case 'd':
fscanf(file, "%f %f %f",
case 's':
fscanf(file, "%f %f %f",
case 'a':
fscanf(file, "%f %f %f",
/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
case 'd':       // PRL 20030806: dissolve factor, pseudo-transparency.
fscanf(file, "%f", &model->materials[nummaterials].diffuse[3]);
case 'm':       // PRL 20030806: texturemap.
if (strstr(buf, "map_Kd")) { // Process diffuse colour map.
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);      // Read up to (and including) EOL from file into string.
buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0';          // nuke '\n'.
model->materials[nummaterials].texturemap = strdup(buf+1);  // Save relative path from mtl file. +1 skips leading space.
// Handle relative paths from model and material.
dir = glmDirName(filename);
model->materials[nummaterials].texturemappath = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(dir) + strlen(model->materials[nummaterials].texturemap) + 1));
strcpy(model->materials[nummaterials].texturemappath, dir);
strcat(model->materials[nummaterials].texturemappath, model->materials[nummaterials].texturemap);
if (readTexturesNow) {
if (!readTextureAndSendToGL(contextIndex, model->materials[nummaterials].texturemappath, &(model->materials[nummaterials].texturemap_index), &(model->materials[nummaterials].texturemap_hasAlpha), FALSE, model->flipTextureV)) {
EDEN_LOGe("glmReadMTL(): Error loading texture.\n");
} else {
// Unsupported options:
// map_Ka, ambient colour map.
// map_Ks, specular colour map.
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);      // eat up rest of line.
case 'i':       // Illumination model.
fscanf(file, "%d", &model->materials[nummaterials].illum);
/* eat up rest of line */
fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), file);
return (TRUE);

/* glmWriteMTL: write a wavefront material library file
* model   - properly initialized GLMmodel structure
* modelpath  - pathname of the model being written
* mtllibname - name of the material library to be written
static GLvoid
glmWriteMTL(GLMmodel* model, char* modelpath, char* mtllibname)
FILE* file;
char* dir;
char* filename;
GLMmaterial* material;
GLuint i;

dir = glmDirName(modelpath);
filename = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (strlen(dir)+strlen(mtllibname)));
strcpy(filename, dir);
strcat(filename, mtllibname);

/* open the file */
file = fopen(filename, "w");
if (!file) {
EDEN_LOGe("glmWriteMTL() failed: can't open file \"%s\".\n",

/* spit out a header */
fprintf(file, "#  \n");
fprintf(file, "#  Wavefront MTL generated by GLM library\n");
fprintf(file, "#  \n");
fprintf(file, "#  GLM library\n");
fprintf(file, "#  Nate Robins\n");
fprintf(file, "#  ndr@pobox.com\n");
fprintf(file, "#  http://www.pobox.com/~ndr\n");
fprintf(file, "#  \n\n");

for (i = 0; i < model->nummaterials; i++) {
material = &model->materials[i];
fprintf(file, "newmtl %s\n", material->name);
fprintf(file, "Ka %f %f %f\n",
material->ambient[0], material->ambient[1], material->ambient[2]);
fprintf(file, "Kd %f %f %f\n",
material->diffuse[0], material->diffuse[1], material->diffuse[2]);
fprintf(file, "Ks %f %f %f\n",
fprintf(file, "Ns %f\n", material->shininess / 128.0 * 1000.0);
if (material->diffuse[3] != 1.0) fprintf(file, "d %f\n", material->diffuse[3]); // PRL 20030806: dissolve factor, pseudo-transparency.
if (material->texturemap) fprintf(file, "map_Kd %s\n", material->texturemap); // PRL 20030806: texturemap.
fprintf(file, "illum %d\n", material->illum);
fprintf(file, "\n");

static void trim(char *buf)
size_t index;

if (!buf) return;

index = strlen(buf);
if (!index) return;

// Strip trailing CR and NL chars.
while (index && (buf[index] == '\r' || buf[index] == '\n')) {
buf[index] = '\0';
glmReadOBJ(const char *filename, const int contextIndex)
return (glmReadOBJ3(filename, contextIndex, TRUE, FALSE));

glmReadOBJ2(const char *filename, const int contextIndex, const GLboolean readTexturesNow)
return (glmReadOBJ3(filename, contextIndex, readTexturesNow, FALSE));

glmReadOBJ3(const char *filename, const int contextIndex, const GLboolean readTexturesNow, const GLboolean flipTextureV)
GLMmodel* model;
FILE*   file;

/* open the file */
file = fopen(filename, "r");
if (!file) {
EDEN_LOGe("glmReadOBJ() failed: can't open data file \"%s\".\n", filename);
return (NULL);

/* allocate a new model */
model = (GLMmodel*)malloc(sizeof(GLMmodel));
model->pathname     = strdup(filename);
model->mtllibname   = NULL;
model->numvertices  = 0;
model->vertices     = NULL;
model->numnormals   = 0;
model->normals      = NULL;
model->numtexcoords = 0;
model->texcoords    = NULL;
model->numfacetnorms    = 0;
model->facetnorms   = NULL;
model->numtriangles = 0;
model->triangles    = NULL;
model->nummaterials = 0;
model->materials    = NULL;
model->numgroups    = 0;
model->groups       = NULL;
model->arrays       = NULL;
model->arrayMode    = 0;
model->readTextureRequired = !readTexturesNow;
model->flipTextureV        = flipTextureV;

/* make a first pass through the file to get a count of the number
of vertices, normals, texcoords & triangles */
glmFirstPass(model, file, contextIndex, readTexturesNow);

/* allocate memory */
model->vertices = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *
3 * (model->numvertices + 1));          // Uses + 1 because vertices, normals and texcoords are numbered from 1, not 0.
model->triangles = (GLMtriangle*)malloc(sizeof(GLMtriangle) *
if (model->numnormals) {
model->normals = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *
3 * (model->numnormals + 1));       // Uses + 1 because vertices, normals and texcoords are numbered from 1, not 0.
if (model->numtexcoords) {
model->texcoords = (GLfloat*)malloc(sizeof(GLfloat) *
2 * (model->numtexcoords + 1));     // Uses + 1 because vertices, normals and texcoords are numbered from 1, not 0.

/* rewind to beginning of file and read in the data this pass */

glmSecondPass(model, file);

/* close the file */

return model;

Тем не менее, следующий фрагмент работает

JNIEXPORT void JNICALL JNIFUNCTION_DEMO(Initialise(JNIEnv* env, jobject object)) {for(int i=0;i<NUM_MODELS;i++){

//      models[i].transformationMatrix=PUT_SOME_PLACEHOLDER_TEMPORARY_VARIABLE_HERE;
//mean they are null ...
const char *model1file = "Data/models/pinball/Ferrari_Modena_Spider.obj";
models[0].patternID = arwAddMarker("nft;DataNFT/pinball");
arwSetMarkerOptionBool(models[0].patternID, ARW_MARKER_OPTION_SQUARE_USE_CONT_POSE_ESTIMATION, false);
arwSetMarkerOptionBool(models[0].patternID, ARW_MARKER_OPTION_FILTERED, true);

models[0].obj = glmReadOBJ2(model1file, 0, 0); // context 0, don't read textures yet.
if (!models[0].obj) {
LOGE("Error loading model from file '%s'.", model1file);
glmScale(models[0].obj, 0.035f);
//glmRotate(models[0].obj, 3.14159f / 2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
glmCreateArrays(models[0].obj, GLM_SMOOTH | GLM_MATERIAL | GLM_TEXTURE);
models[0].visible = false;
models[0].not_null = true;

LOGE("trying to add a marker in Initialise");


Единственная разница, кажется, в том, что в intialize я жестко закодировал пути …. но в addMarkerandModel … Я даю их как параметры, передаваемые через jni

Пожалуйста помоги!!!!



Чтение файла .obj в glm ARToolKit происходит в несколько шагов. Сначала анализируется файл .obj, затем загружаются любые файлы .mtl, на которые есть ссылки, и, наконец, если файл .mtl ссылается на текстуру (только файлы формата .sgi и JPEG с поддержкой степени два поддерживаются в glo reader ARToolKit), затем они лениво загружаются, когда доступен контекст OpenGL.

Если вы получаете сообщение об ошибке, что файл .mtl не может быть найден, то это означает, что на первом этапе все в порядке. glm смог найти и прочитать файл .obj, но файл .obj ссылался на файл .mtl, который не удалось найти.

Просмотрите текстовые файлы .obj в текстовом редакторе, найдите все ссылки .mtl и отредактируйте их, указав правильный относительный путь.


Другие решения

Я бы предложил сначала поработать с простым кодом. Попробуйте изолировать проблему. Убедитесь, что переданная строка — это то, что вы ищете.

Вот: http://jnicookbook.owsiak.org/recipe-No-009/

Вы можете найти ужин с простым примером кода. Просто обработка необработанных строк.

Попробуйте начать с аналогичного кода в вашем случае. Проверьте, действительно ли переданное значение является тем, что вы ищете.